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Depression & Anxiety

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Do you suffer from depression and anxiety as a result of traumatic memories from a negative event? Far too many people despair in silence instead of exploring their legal options with lawyers experienced in handling legal cases involving depression and anxiety. You may have options if depression and anxiety have left you with diminished quality of life. The first step to grasping your rights as a sufferer of an anxiety or depressive disorder is learning about what these conditions mean for your mental health.

What Are the Causes of Depression and Anxiety?

Depression and anxiety have many potential root causes. While genetic risk factors can play roles in developing depression and anxiety, many people experience depressive symptoms for the first time due to traumatic memories triggered by a stressful experience. Accidents, injuries, illness, abuse, major life changes, financial difficulties, and hostile environments can all trigger depression and anxiety.

What Are the Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety?

Depression and anxiety can manifest in a number of different ways. What’s more, symptoms can shift with time. Here’s a look at the common symptoms of anxiety and depression:

  • Sadness.
  • Anxiousness.
  • Loss of interest in activities you used to find enjoyable.
  • Irritability.
  • Restlessness.
  • Difficulty falling asleep.
  • Difficulty staying asleep.
  • Sleeping too much.
  • Changes in appetite.
  • Chronic aches and pains.
  • Headaches.
  • Stomach problems that do not get better with treatment.
  • Constant feelings of exhaustion.
  • Intrusive thoughts.
  • Feelings of nervousness, restlessness, or tension.
  • Sweating.
  • Hyperventilation.
  • Feelings of guilt.
  • Feelings of helplessness.
  • Feelings of worthlessness.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Inability to “calm down.”
  • Feelings of doom, panic, and fear.
  • Thoughts of harming yourself.
  • Thoughts of suicide.

It’s possible for a person to experience both depression and anxiety at the same time. While many symptoms of anxiety and depression are internal, it’s also very common for a person to exhibit physical signs of mental distress. In fact, one of the ways that anxiety and depression rob a person of the enjoyment of life is by creating physical symptoms tied to chronic stress and anxiety.

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What Are the Different Types of Anxiety That Can Develop After a Traumatic Event?

Anxiety is not a one-size-fits-all diagnosis. For many people, anxiety symptoms can vary based on the type of experience that triggered mental distress. Seeking the help of an anxiety disorder lawyer in Alberta and British Columbia is important if you’re struggling with symptoms following a negative experience. Common types of anxiety include:

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD): People suffering from GAD often experience chronic anxiety, worry, and tension.
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD): People suffering from OCD experience recurrent obsessive thoughts that are often accompanied by compulsive behaviours.
  • Panic Disorder: This form of anxiety is characterized by constant episodes of intense fear. In addition, people suffering from panic disorder often experience chest pains, dizziness, stomach pain, shortness of breath, and other physical symptoms.
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): PTSD can develop after exposure to a stressful, terrifying, or threatening event.
  • Social Anxiety Disorder: People living with social anxiety feel excessively self-conscious in social settings. This feeling may cause them to avoid social interactions.

Anxiety disorders rob people of quality of life by blocking them from spending time with family, making new friends, pursuing professional opportunities, and seeking medical care. Symptoms can be debilitating for a person trying to build a career, pursue an education, and form bonds with other people. In some cases, a person will develop several different forms of anxiety due to a single event or situation that triggered stressful feelings.

How Depression and Anxiety Can Affect You in the Long Term

Anxiety or depressive disorder can impact a person’s mental health for the rest of their life. In fact, anxiety and depression are considered risk factors for digestive disorders, heart disease, obesity, chronic pain, sleep disorders, substance abuse disorders, respiratory illnesses, thyroid problems, and many more serious health issues. In addition, people suffering from anxiety and depression often miss out on opportunities because they are unable to leave their homes, travel, or comfortably interact with other people.

Davie & Associates Law Can Help You Navigate Through a Depression and Anxiety Injury Case

Are you living with anxiety and depressive symptoms that are making it hard to plan the life you envisioned for yourself? It’s not too late to take steps to protect your future. At Davie & Associates, our legal team routinely represents clients living with anxiety and depression symptoms after being harmed in some way. Let us help you explore your rights for getting the compensation you deserve. Our offices in Red Deer, Edmonton and Penticton make it easy for people seeking mental health lawyers in Alberta and British Columbia to get the help they need. Contact Davie & Associates today for a consultation.

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Depression resulting from accident
If you are suffering with depression and anxiety as a result of an accident or traumatic event, you should seek legal help from a personal injury lawyer who understands your situation. Contact Davie & Associates today for a FREE, no-obligation consultation to discuss your case.
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T4N 7C3

Phone: (403) 967-1775

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V2A 5E9

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